marți, 24 ianuarie 2023


i am the best friend i'm missing
i'm laying in a room besides an empty elixir bottle and a walkman
two hands are playing the piano for me
this is gonna make an explosion inside lost teens minds in the neighbourhood
and mine
we're going to travel on wild animals
while singing the same lines

a mole and a bear will show us the path
then they'll say they don't know it either
and will join our invisible gang for a century

this rivel gets anyone where he or she deserves
the city lights turn into enormous stars from time to time
kids break free
zebras brake promises

on the radio anyone gets its fair share of fame
one at a time
then the table does one more funky trick
and we start from scratch
after forgetting who we were not

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you is beautiful in this recording of you saying poem don't know how to say it so i say it how i say it do they have Christmas in the UK...