marți, 27 iunie 2023

saying something

overwhelmed overthinking paranoid
as if i have a sense that for a few hours some people intentionally turned against me
while doing the Heist - the secret project that Abel mentioned
and while i went through life constantly feeling that people think badly of me, that went as quite too much

please don't think badly of me
do you see me? 
i see you
i don't want this to end
here i finally have some possible head
even though i feel as If there's a weird kind of bird holding a gun against my head
holding a gun against my head 'aight

overwhelmed overthinking paranoid
as if i have a sense that for a few hours some people intentionally turned against me

maybe i just care too much
self-inflicted pain
self-inflicted spirituality
please don't think badly of me
while i drink this kinda poisened kinda bad kinda really fucked up liqueur

no friend to be there paranoid

duminică, 25 iunie 2023

film #1: tiny little pot being

father had a fever
as in a big fever we took him to the hospital with one of those cars he died
we were so glad
hey. is there any, are there any, is there anything to say?
living in this boots of mine kinda makes me hate
sun and weather also pain
not so easily recalling them 

hiking viking king is who
one a bad of chocolate pillows thinking at some chocolate dreams
drinking beers and coffee beans
polar bears and also feels every tiny tender gesture and surprisingly notices and writes down in his journal made
out of golf and marinarea

the moment of now
the moment
of now
of the
moment of 
sleeping into another story

an rather old man on an Island is giving a shy flower to the only human there who happens to be a woman
does the same the next day 
and the next day
now she knows

marți, 20 iunie 2023


triunghiuri și lumină
lumină și triunghiuri
vis a vis cineva vede cerul 
acoperișurile gara
pictează cu patina timpului păsări și punți 
trece de vămi de vameși 
de vină de vorbe de vulturi
trece de nume de note 
și mă așteaptă

romburi reguli pentru omul din vagoane
care nu mai știe în ce țară e
și în ce țară va ajunge

după lanurile pline de pui de șoarece și speranță
acolo se ascund secrete și creioane colorate
acolo ne găsim 
dar și aici

fără ceas fără vorbe fără ceas
anecdote împărat într-o casă un cercel mai mare decât inima
un ospăț mai mare decât linia orizontului
barmani paznici pulbere peste
peste ochii orbului peste
lama care nu taie peste 
bărci și dopuri de plută

începem să vedem dincolo de maluri
dar să rămânem fiecare unde suntem acum


you is beautiful in this recording of you saying poem don't know how to say it so i say it how i say it do they have Christmas in the UK...