capul cade
cade capul
rupe arcul
cântă crapul
mare potop în inimile lor
inimile lor în inimile lor
mare lord
mic dejun corbi ceaun
focul taberei în jur
cuvinte pentru cei ce nu aud
unde de dedesubt
n-o să stau mult aici
nulități cicatrici
pentru vocea dinăuntru dau concerte săptămânal
casper și prietenii săi atei
o emoție la care nu ajungi
sesam deschidere
luni, 18 septembrie 2017
joi, 14 septembrie 2017
party 221
i see only what i am
girls and mixed groups break into a few national banks tonight
keep your breath and put all your money in a basket
we have motocycles outside speening for us
parties ready to end
elephnts prepared to smash everything that stoped working
do not be afraid if you are honest you will live
this night will never end
we eat hundreds of flowers snakes and potatoes
this is how energy is created
enough with using words
we are here for a reason
inspired by your lack of courage and social interraction
always speaking a single truth
put your hopes in this tiny machine
trow as far as your inner world will let you
a few guys start barking
and i'm thinking about the next jump
girls and mixed groups break into a few national banks tonight
keep your breath and put all your money in a basket
we have motocycles outside speening for us
parties ready to end
elephnts prepared to smash everything that stoped working
do not be afraid if you are honest you will live
this night will never end
we eat hundreds of flowers snakes and potatoes
this is how energy is created
enough with using words
we are here for a reason
inspired by your lack of courage and social interraction
always speaking a single truth
put your hopes in this tiny machine
trow as far as your inner world will let you
a few guys start barking
and i'm thinking about the next jump
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